French twists and braids are another couple of hairstyles that qualify to be considered as being part of the elegant hairstyle, almost universally. In French braids, we have the hair all around the head braided to form some sort of a wall, with hair from the sides and from the center of the head pulled in to create the wall, so that the region towards the center of the head is basically left 'hairless.' French twists, on the other hand, are defined by the working of the hair into a low lying ponytail, and then twisting the ponytail so acquired to create what can often turn out to be a very exquisite look. For the people who have a more relaxed criterion as to what makes elegant hairstyle, just blow drying the hair and oiling it well to make it smooth, and then letting it grow downwards can still leave one with what qualifies to be considered an elegant hairstyle. Talking of elegant hairstyle, it is worth mentioning that there are occasions when wearing such elegant hairstyles becomes a necessity - that is, something you actually have to do to 'look proper.' Bridal parties, for instance, typically take time to acquire the elegant hairstyles so as not to let down the bride on her 'big day' - as do people going to a prom or some other sort of event where elegance is demanded of the participants.

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